HVSS Hires New Intern


January 11, 2021- As HVSS comes into the new year of 2021, they also bring along a new intern. His name is Aeryk McEwen and he is a student at YSU. Aeryk is currently studying information technology at YSU and is expected to graduate in May of this year. We're very excited to have him and can't wait to see what he can accomplish. Good luck Aeryk!

HVSS Announces New Website and Logo


October 11, 2017- High Voltage Solutions & Sales (HVSS), a manufacturer’s representation in the Power & Distribution segments of the Electrical Industry, announce the launch of a new website and branding. Created with the user experience in mind, has been revamped with the latest technology. The new HVSS website is now mobile-friendly, making it easier for users to access the website effectively on smartphones and tablets. The multiple navigation and introduction areas provide a smooth transition for visitors to find out about HVSS services, manufacturer information, and contact instruction. “At HVSS, our mission is to provide superior customer service and exceptional manufacturer representation in the Power & Distribution segments of the electrical industry. This new website represents that,” says Ken Vojnik, HVSS Sales Engineer. “This site will allow us to deliver innovative solutions to customers, as well as a wealth of opportunities to our manufacturers.” Vojnik also states, “Along with the new website, we decided to release a new logo and branding that represents who we are today. It represents passion, expertise and diligence just like HVSS.” High Voltage Solutions & Sales will retire their silver and black branding and will bring bold refreshed branding to the forefront. Bold big letters display HVSS as smaller text reads High Voltage Sales & Solutions underneath. A voltage icon is added to the visual identity to represent the electrical industry. Red, black and white will be the hues of the High Voltage Solutions & Sales corporate identity.